Maandag 07 April 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Ridha Rinaldi 3201116035

Model and Method of Language Learning
By : Ridha Rinaldi

A.   Introduction
1.      Background
Learning Indonesian aims to improve language skills and compose and to improve the ability to think and reason as well as the ability to broaden their horizons. In addition , it is also directed to sharpen students feelings. Students are not only expected to be able to understand the information conveyed in a straightforward or indirectly, but also delivered covertly or indirectly. Students are not only good at reasoning, but have skills in social interaction and can appreciate the differences in the relationship between individuals balk as well as in social life, which is set in the various cultures and religions (MONE : 2003: 4). So that students are able to communicate. Indonesian language learning should be geared to equip students communication skills both orally and in writing. Students need to be trained more use language to communicate, not only about the knowledge required to master the language. Success in achieving the goal of learning the language. determined by several factors. among them: the teacher, students, media, models and methods.techniques, learning atmosphere and learning technologies. Each of these elements are interrelated and together will collaborate in the achievement of learning objectives. Yet one of the elements that need attention is the ability of teachers to adopt the model, method techniques and innovative strategies, so that learning is more directed and in accordance with the purpose of language learning.Teachers must have the courage to collaborate with a variety of methods. techniques, and innovative instructional media-clicking "create"- in order to create an exciting learning and matnpu membelajarkan students. In addition, teachers also have to abandon the model of learning-oriented language usage. Because it takes students sebenarnva is language use Contextual use of language, the language in the environment students will be much more meaningful. While the decision on the selection of models, methods. techniques, and teaching materials. which will be used as long as it is fully the rights of teachers according to student characteristics, teaching materials, media and objectives to be achieved, according to SK and KD.

2.      Problem Formulation
a.       How is the difference : the approach . method . techniques and strategies in learning Indonesian
b.      What are the models that can be applied in learning Indonesian
c.       How practical steps in the models and methods in learning Indonesian

3.      Destination
a.       Explains the difference : approaches , methods , techniques , strategies in learning Indonesian
b.      Explaining models of learning that can be applied dalarn Indonesian
c.       Explain the practical steps the application of models and methods in learning Indonesian

B.   Assessment Theory
The Nature of Language Learning
Learning language is learning to communicate. This thinking arises from the facts in language usage. Language of every individual to perform activities of communicating between people. This kind of thinking has emerged in the real-MONGIN Structural linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure says that language is a language of social institutions is a social Fast ( Saussure, 1971: 15 ). Saussure 's thinking was much influenced by the ideas sociologist Emile Durkheim (Samsuri. 1988:11). Thus , attention to aspects kernanusiaan place in language teaching.The applied linguist was thinking patterns berwawas development of language teaching humanity that was born Definition Definition called humanistic ( Stevik , 1991 ) . This spawned Definition Community Language Learning ( CLL ) developed by Charles A. Curran , Total Physical Response ( TPR ), which was developed by James Asher . The Natural Approach ( NA ) developed by Tracy Terrell , The Silent Way developed by Caleb Gattegno . and Suggestopedia developed by Georgi Lozanov vang . Definition berwawas the humanistic development aimed more at teaching or teaching a second language and foreign language .
In the implementation of the teaching situation Indonesian as a second language is not easy because of various technical problems is often the main reason , for example , the number of students in the classroom . medium of instruction , and Dava human resources ( teachers ) who are not professional . Besides various atasmeskipun Definition at keterandalannya tested with various trials and research - teaching difficult to apply in the Definition Indonesian because more students applied to the first language backgrounds different ( not cognate ) in English lessons. The above case is difficult to apply in teaching Indonesian , because of the position of the first Indonesian language that dominated the child is still in a clump . With a situation like this bilingualism . Definition humanistic above all is still a constraint to be applied . Are more likely to be implemented in Indonesia is a communicative Definition . Definition Chomsky is still making use of the mind . terutarna concept of competence and its performance . For Chomsky , competence is the speaker - hearers knowledge of his language and performance is the actual use of language in concrete situation ( Chomsky. 1969:4 ).
According to Chomsky . language learning is the process of establishing rules (role formation process ) , instead of the formation of habits ( habit formation process ) ( Sumardi , 1992: 99 ) . Thus , Chomsky wants to tell the world of language teaching that competence should be developed in learners so that they are able to rnenggunakan language grammatically . Definition communicative actually closer to functional grammar studies that have been carried out by linguists , for example , the Prague school linguists , the Vilem Mathesius . Trubetzkoy , Andre Martinet , and Roman Jakobson ( Sampson. 1980:103-129 ) . Definition communicative raised in respect of the slogan 's den - learning is learning to communicate . With a slogan that teachers are expected to realize the nature of language learning for the students , that is, they must be directed in learning the language to communicate . Thus , the existence of language function rnulai attention .
Finocchiaro and Brumfit try to provide a contrast between the Definition Communicative Audiolingual method , which is related to the concept of linguistic diaajarkan Finocchiaro and Brumfit the targeted linguistic system it- ill he learned best through the process of struggling to communicate . As for the emphasis of this communicative Definition is communicative competence , linguistic variation . and fluency and acceptable language ( Richards and Rodgers, 1993:67-68 ). In the implementation of learning there is no term ' method is good or bad methods ' . That there is a suitable method ( right ) . It is necessary to put up an interesting set of methods . attractive . normative tactical . reliably . and practical . If we look at the national standards of education , the learning process and implement an interactive . cooperative . inspiring , fun , challenging , motivating the students to participate actively . and provide enough space for innovation, creativity , and kernandirian according to their talents, interests , and physical and psychological development of students ( National Education Standards Chapter IV Article 19 ) .

Language Learning Methodology
The methodology can be briefly defined as " the science of the rnetode " . Assessment methodology of language teaching bersurnber of : 1 ) the description of the language generated by linguistic urnum , 2 ) learning theory studied by psychology , 3 ) the theory of language learning disurnbangkan by psycholinguistics : and 4 ) the theory of language use in society are taken from sociolinguistics . Anthony ( 1963). Anthony ( 1963) which gave birth to the term approach ( approach ) . method ( rnetode ) and technique ( technique ) : Approach is " a set of assumptions related to the nature of language , learning , and teaching . " Method is " a comprehensive plan language regarding panyajian systematic approach based on certain . Technique is " special activities are realized in the classroom that are consistent with the method , and by him was also in line with the approach . While Richards . et al . ( 1985:177 ) . Provide restrictions on language teaching methodology as the study practices and procedures used in the teaching , and the principles and underlying beliefs. The methodology includes : assessment of the nature of language skills ( ie listening, speaking , reading and writing ) and teaching procedures , Studies on preparation of lesson plans , teaching materials , textbooks for teaching language skills , evaluation and comparison of language teaching methods ( eg Audiolingual method) . In line with this opinion is Richards . et al . ( 1985:177 ) . Methods in language teaching according to Richards . et al . ( 1985:176 ) is a way mengaiarkan vane language based on the principles and procedures vane systematic teaching purposes , ( d ) the type of syllabus is used ; ( e ) the role of teachers , students , and learning materials . and ( f ) the techniques and procedures used . Richards & Rodgers (1982 , 1986) , submit the results of their study that redefined the concept of method . Anthony term , approach , method and technique become labeled approach , design and procedure successively with umbrella term that describes the method of three - step process . Meanwhile, According to Richards & Rodgers ( 1982:154 ) . The method is " an umbrella term specification and the relationship between theory and practice . " Approach is the assumption , beliefs , and theories about the nature of language and language learning . And , Procedures and practices a technique derived from the approach and design .

C.   Discussion
Learning Model
1.      Reading Learning Model
a.       Models Directed Reading Thinking Activity ( DRTA ) ( Reading Thinking Activity Directed ) Step - step of
)      Phase Prabaca
)      Survey the text . looking for clues about the content ( titles , illustrations . subtitles, illustrations )
)      Make a prediction
)      Write a prediction on the prediction sheet
·         The prediction contains a classification , like- kolorn terbukti.tidak proven , true - false , not enough information , or other.
·         Determine the reading purpose ( whether proven or not predictions )
·         Continued
)      Phase reading
)      Read the text ( diarn / loud )
)      Providing mark ( X ) on the sheet clarification on the prediction sheet and determine how much of the suitability of the content of the readings predicted results
)      Post Mernbaca
)      comparing the contents of the predictions with the actual text content
)      Analyze the list of predictions and assess how much of the suitability of the content of the reading result predictions .

b.      Model K - W – L
KWL strategy is a learning strategy that emphasizes the importance of reading the background knowledge of the reader . ( D. Ogle . , 1986, Via Tierney 1990: 283 ) . KWL strategy consists of three steps , namely the step K - What I Know ( what I know ) . step W - What I Want to Learn ( what I want to learn ) , and step L - What I Learned ( what has been learned saga ) . KWL is developed and diujiterapkan framework to determine the ability of teachers to determine students.

c.       Model PORPE
)      PORPE ( Predict. Organize , Rehearse , Practice . Evaluate ) is a learning strategy developed by Simpson (1986 ) is designed to assist students in ( 1 ) actively plan . monitor , and evaluate their learning of the content of the reading ; ( 2 ) study processes dalarn convoluted essay exam preparation . and ( 3 ) using the writing process to learn the content of reading .
)      Stages Strategy Porpe
a)      Predict ( make predictions in the form of essay questions ) ,
b)      Organize ( organizing concept dalarn form of mind mapping ) ,
c)      Rehearse ( train again by mepresentasikan in front ) ,
d)     Practice ( practice ; wrote back with its own language
e)      Evaluate ( ie answering essay questions evaluation made ​​by the teacher ) .

f)       The Ocean Model ( Concept trought Extending Language Activities )
The steps :
)      Determine tuluan communication ( students discussed to determine The objective of reading . Expected Life Skills
)      Love to read
)      Quickly find the idea . concept , and the actual information
)      Critical reasoning - skilled questioning and questioning
)     Skilled analyze
)      Skilled summarizes
f)       Able to evaluate
)      Growing personality and a strong sense of confidence .
)      The tradition of reading
·         First , the good Reading
Reading is a skill that aims to understand the language of ideas , ideas . and feelings in the text . Readers who balk will notice when reading speed and comprehension
·         Second , Selecting reading material
Recognizing the importance of reading , language is easy to understand , there is a message that is conveyed , educate , entertain . and easily obtained
·         Third , provide Time
In order to be good reading skills one way to do is mencediakan regular time to always reda
·         Fourth , Critical Reading
After making the understanding of the content / information , the reader will experience the process of analysis and evaluation of the text being read .

2.      Listen Learning Model
a.       retelling stony
)      Teachers prepare reading materials .
)      One of the students reading by reading aloud.
)      Students listen carefully .
)      Students are assigned to retell the content of reading with their own language .
b.      whispered Chain
)      The teacher whispers a message to a student .
)      The students whisper the message to the second student .
)      Students both whisper the message to the third student . And so on .
)      Students last mentioned it in a clear voice message in front of the class .
)      The teacher checks if the message is really sarnpai the last student or not .
c.       Menvimak Models Direct / DLA ( Direct Listening Activities )
Teachers suggested learning objectives , read the header text gathering , ask and answer with students on matters relating to the title of the gathering in an effort to generate student element . The teacher mengernukakan major issues that need to be understood in the listening students
d.      Keyword Identification
)      Each sentence . paragraph , or discourse always has a number of words that can express the entire content of a sentence , paragraph or discourse . The words that can represent the entire contents of the so-called keyword ' key word ' .
)      content Menyirnak long sentences or paragraphs and short discourses do not need to catch sernua words . Simply keep in mind a few key words that are at the core pernbicaraan . Through assembling keywords into phrases intact until the brief content material gathering .
)      Teacher : Listen carefully ! Search keywords following sentences .
)      Man , both primitive and modern . always tend to live in groups .
)      Students : Listening . Determining keywords . Humans live in Group.

e.       Expanding Sentences
1 ) The teacher says a sentence . Students say the phrase . Back utter teacher repeats this sentence . Then teacher say another word or group of words . Students complete the sentence before the group said last mentioned by the teacher . The result is an extended sentence .
2 ) Continued
f.       Menvelesaikan story
)      Classes are divided into several groups . Each group consists of 3-4 people . Mernanggil members of the first group of teachers . eg group 1 . forward to the front of the class . Concerned told to tell , sometimes kadanb free titles diitentukan by the teacher . After the storytelling is concerned , for example, a quarter of new teachers is welcome to sit.
)      The story was followed by a second member . The third member was developed to continue the story . The last part was completed by members of the fourth story . Classes may also not grouped . All students must be invoked to slap bercerita.Sementara yet come forward to be listening to this right - benarjalan cerita.Cara mernbuat class being seriously listened to stories told.
)      Teacher : Now the mother has a story . But no title yet ? Still sought / untitled . This story will be composed by four students . Piece by piece will be displayed in front of the class . Children should be prepared and menvinak tell the story . Let us begin , Udin please forward the class !
)      Udin : value mathematics pelaharan my eyes 8 . I learned almost every saat.Saya not want my grades dropped .
)      The teacher : Good . Udin . please sit down . The story will be continued by Anggi .
)      Teacher : Anggi lanjtkan Udin story earlier .
)      Anggi : Yes regret the time of the test because it could not nggarap , better now mimic Udin studious .
)      Teacher : Good . nice ! Anggi be seated . The story will be continued by Elma ( and so on up to the teacher to stop the story . , And students asked to determine the title .

3.      Writing Learning Model
Writing skills correlated with reading ability . but very writing tends to be ignored in the learning.
a.       Brainstorming models ,
Step-by- Step :
)      Students are formed into groups heterogeneous .
)      Each group discussion topic posts may determine based central theme of the teacher or teachers choose a theme that is given .
)      After finding the terra papers in the group , they brainstorm to redefine the topic of posts per student ( individual ) .
)      Brainstorming continued in prewriting stage , particularly in terms of excavation and collection of written materials .
)      The students were given the opportunity to write independently ( on their own )
)      Once completed . they are grouped again in the group stage and performed original pascamenulis ( editing and revising ) . The students brainstorm other friends in the watch posts .
)      The students fix his back .
)      Each group presents few or one that is considered the best posts in the group ( chosen by a group of students who hersangkutan ) orally.
)      Teachers and other students reflect ( respond and evaluation ) writing Ternan presented.
)  Posts are collected and evaluated by the teacher .

b.      Brain Model writing, Steps:
)      Students and teachers discuss terra posts will be written .
)      Students are given the opportunity to make the process of prewriting individually or in groups . Balk indoors and outdoors . If the group . matters discussed ( discussion ) and various friends suggestion ideas must be stated in the card / sheet idea ( should outline). Findings students in prewriting activities outlined in the sheet / card idea .
)      Students are given the opportunity to write independently ( on their own ) .
)      When you finish writing the draft . writing students exchanged with other students , in pairs / random and they do pascamenulis stage ( editing and revising ) . The students perform brain writing to edit posts other friends .
)      Students are asked to provide advice , kornentar , ideas . and such over writing friends who read written in the sheet / card idea .
)      Once the card is returned with the idea of ​​writing , the students refine writing back .
)      Some students requested orally present writing .
)      The teacher and other students reflect ( respond and evaluation ) writing friends who served .
)      Posts are collected and evaluated by the teacher

c.       Model Roundtable
This model is developed on the basis of cooperative and contextual approach . Untukjenis most appropriate writing is creative writing ( poetry cerpen. . Drama ) and some factual writing ( narasi. descriptions . , And others ) . This model emphasizes a partnership in the group to make the posts together . Will san ( - Iat good if it was competed in the class . Following steps to write the Roundtable models :

)      The teacher gives guidance and procedural modeling roundtable introduction dalarn directed learning competencies .
2)      Students are grouped into several groups denganjumlah balanced members (4-5 people)
3)      Students and teachers determine the topic and purpose ( genre ) a paper together .
4)      If it is determined a topic for all students preparing rnenulis then each group simultaneously . Each siswva write apiece each with certain restrictions agreed with        ( a certain number of sentences or the period in which difasilitatori by the teacher ) . Cue start and stop controlled by the teacher .
5)      If the declared cease the activity stopped writing . Plainly instructed teachers swivel / sliding . That is , sheets of paper for each student is shifted to the student next to him     ( in the group ) . When teachers began voicing then they should continue his writing . Similarly, until the paper work back to the owner again .
6)      Each student is looking at the results of the existing posts .
7)      Each group assesses writing in the boat kelornpoknya and writing sequence from best to less good .
8)      All of the students' displayed on the board in accordance ungrouped .
9)      All students see and read the writing classmates .
10)  Teachers and students reflect the results of the writing .

d.      Model Brown
This model is based on the understanding that learning is a part of the media have great influence on the learning effectiveness . Moreover, the media and learning tools are becoming more varied and interactive . Media that can be used in the teaching of writing can be a visual media , audio , motion project , etc. . of which is Fig , maps , charts , graphs . photos, posters , advertisements . stamps . video . OHP , etc. . The following steps will dipaparan learning to write with the media glow puzzle picture . The steps :
1)      The teacher prepares a picture puzzle glow of a problem .
2)      The teacher divides the students into groups and suggests competencies to be achieved students .
3)      Teachers share the same picture puzzle to all groups .
4)      Each group is expected to sort the images beamed appropriate logic puzzles and arguments respectively .
5)      Each group presents the results .
6)      Do the above discussion and the reasons for the student's work . Teachers convey all relevant material .
7)      Then each student in the group tasked with making posts based on the arrangement of images in the group with the development of their imagination .
8)      Posts in groups alternately edited and corrected .
9)      Do reflect on the learning that has been done .
10)  collected paper products to be evaluated by the teacher .

e.       Model Suggestion - Imagination
This model is based on writing as a process that needs stimulation interesting to bring up the idea of ​​writing it is still using the basic writing as a process . The stimuli ( suggestions ) are used in the activity may vary depending on the condition of the school . Some of them are songs . music , poetry readings . impressions staging drama , soap opera footage , advertising . movies , etc. . The following procedural with a media track . The steps :
1)      The teacher will deliver the competencies achieved by students .
2)      Teachers pick songs that fit the theme of the material and learning .
3)      Students preparing to listen to a song and make a note of the writing material ( step up to make a writing frame ) .
4)      Students make paper - based suggestion of the imagination .
5)      Students exchange sating his writings to edit posts .
6)      Students receive back results and their writing and improve writing edits .
7)      Do the writing assessment by the student / teacher .
8)      Teachers and students reflect the overall learning

4.      Speaking Learning Model
Learning is learning language skills that require a long time , especially if the bill skills will be assessed in person . Learning becomes boring and sometimes the teacher " considers learning speaking skills do not need " . Therefore, teachers must design learning becomes interesting .
a.       Listening Team . Step-by- Step
1)      Students are divided into groups of 4-5 members
2)      Explain to each group that they have an obligation to explain the learning material presented by the teacher
3)      Divide the group into groups of presenters , answering , pro , contra groups , concluding . Describe each of the task group
4)      The task of the presenter , presenting the lessons are delivered teacher . This group may make a quick remarks materials provided by the teacher , however the focus is on aspects of orally delivered material .
5)      The task group is to answer the question answering questioner group
6)      The task of the counter is recorded and reveal things that are not approved
7)      A description of the things that are not approved may be done when asked to explain
8)      concluding Group , concluded the results were discussed and explained verbally to all Group.

b.      Models In The News , Step - ingkah :
1)      Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5
2)      Students in each group were asked to read 4 or 5 different articles
3)      While reading the students were asked to write the contents of the article which reads
4)      After reading , students are asked to exchange the articles read by friends of other kelornpok
5)      Each group was asked to re- assemble the headlines or articles read their own language
6)      The group also provides a rebuttal . if there is a description of other groups that do not fit
7)      Principles of rebuttal be discussed in each group
8)      All groups must present the conclusion of the oral

c.       Models Who and What Sava
This model . can be used for listening skills . can also be used for speaking skills . The steps :
1)      Divide groups of 2 or 3 large groups
2)      Teachers prepare bebera issues related to character , profession , events
3)      Write down on a piece of paper about the characters , events or profession prepared , students are asked to take the paper roll
4)      After receiving a hard rolls , satay ask one team member to act in accordance with the contents of the paper roll is obtained .
5)      Participants who mernerankah figures in the paper are rolled into a mystery for another group
6)      Give 5 minutes for group members to anticipate and answer questions from the group who played a mystery
7)      Select the first group will be the guest for the mystery figure ( all groups should get a turn )
8)      Ask guests to mention one of the mysteries of identity in accordance with the roll of Paper advanced
1)      Before the mystery guest said that one group laindiminta be identified 2 groups of panelists to ask questions to the mystery guest in turn. Mystery guests can only answer with a "Yes . Did not , " or yes , not " until one of the group of panelists to find the answer
2)      After finding answers to tame the identity of the mystery . penelis group can deduce and clarify and guess the identity of the mystery guest . And so on for other groups and professions or other figures .

4.      Method
Method of language learning is language learning plan , which includes pernilihan . determination , and preparation is sisternatis material to be taught , as well as procurement kernungkinan bagairnana rernedi and development. Pernilihan . determination , and preparation of teaching materials systematically teaching materials are intended to be easily absorbed and mastered by students . Everything was based on the approach adopted . Looking at it . clear that a method is determined based on the approach adopted ; in other words, the basic approach is the determinant of the method used . The method includes determining the selection and teaching materials , as well as the possibility of undertaking remedial preparation and development of teaching materials . The method can be used in the Indonesian language learning include: methods of grammar / translation , reading method , audiolingual method , the method receptive / productive , direct method , communicative method , the method of integrative , thematic method , quantum methods , constructivist methods , participatory methods , contextual method .
5.      Technique
Hurtful way teachers deliver instructional materials that have been prepared ( the method ) , based on the approach adopted . The technique used by teachers depends on the teacher's ability to find a way or strategy to the learning process can run smoothly and work well . In determining the instructional techniques , classroom teachers need to consider the situation . environment , the condition of the student , student characteristics , and other conditions . Thus . Learning techniques used by the teacher may vary once . For the same method can be used learning techniques vary , depending on various factors . From the above discussion it can be said that the learning technique is the way made ​​by teachers in the implementation of learning activities to obtain optimum results . Learning techniques are determined based on the method used , and the method adopted compiled based approach . In other words . approach is to base the determination of learning techniques . From an engineering approach can be applied to different learning anyway .
The following are techniques commonly used in learning Indonesian .
a.       Listened learning techniques : ( 1 ) re - consider the said , ( 2 ) see - write ( dictation ) , ( 3 ) see - do , ( 4 ) see - guess , ( 5 ) extend the sentence , ( 6 ) complete the story , ( 7 ) makes a summary , ( 8 ) found the object , ( 9 ) whispered chain , ( 10 ) continues the story . ( 11 ) paraphrasing , ( 12 ) keywords ,
b.      Speaking learning techniques : ( 1 ) re - said , ( 2 ) look - say , ( 3 ) describe the , ( 4 ) to answer questions , ( 5 ) ask , ( 6 ) explore the question , ( 7 ) resume , ( 8 ) recounted , ( 9 ) conversation ( 10 ) paraphrasing , ( 11 ) their picture story , ( 12 ) played a role , ( 13 ) interviews ( 14 ) show and tell .
c.       Techniques of learning to read : ( 1 ) read the survey , ( 2 ) to read at a glance , ( 3 ) superficial reading , ( 4 ) reads loud , ( 5 ) reads in the liver , ( 6 ) critical reading , ( 7 ) read carefully , ( 8 ) reading comprehension ,
d.      Learning writing techniques : ( 1 ) copying a sentence , ( 2 ) make a sentence , ( 3 ) mimic the model , ( 4 ) write a story with images beamed , ( 5 ) keeping a diary , ( 6 ) wrote based on photographs , ( 7 ) summarizes , ( 8 ) paraphrasing , ( 9 ) completes the sentence , ( 10 ) sentences , ( 11 ) develop keyword

D.   Conclusion

Learning Indonesian implemented in scrutinize to provide skills , speaking , reading and writing . The fourth skill has different characteristics . Therefore, in the implementation of learning must use the approach , method . models . adequate techniques and strategies in order to obtain optimal results. Many approaches . method . models . techniques and strategies that can be selected according to the characteristics and learning objectives . None of the models . method . techniques . and the best strategy . that there is compliance with the conditions of students . environment and teaching materials .